Nature Therapy
Nature therapy is defined as “a set of practices aimed at achieving ‘preventive medical effects’ through exposure to natural stimuli that render a state of physiological relaxation and boost the weakened immune functions to prevent diseases
Nature has long been known to have calming effects on the mind. The beauty and serenity of nature create a sense of peace that you usually won’t be able to find in busy urban environments. Thus, spending time in nature is one of the most effective ways to reduce everyday stress and mental fatigue
Nature can generate a multitude of positive emotions, such as calmness, joy, creativity and can facilitate concentration. Nature connectedness is also associated with lower levels of poor mental health; in particular lower depression and anxiety levels.
Jason Stobbard
“…Absolutely fantastic work, many thanks for the perfect collaboration so far, very much appreciated!…”
Jane Austin
“… I love this team! They did fantastic work, many thanks for the perfect collaboration so far, very much appreciated!…”
Jason Stobbard
“…Absolutely fantastic work, many thanks for the perfect collaboration so far, very much appreciated!…”